Day: October 22, 2015

Know More About The Advanced Eye Surgery TechnologyKnow More About The Advanced Eye Surgery Technology

eye lenseThousands of people are turning to laser eye surgery to correct their vision and eliminate their dependency on glasses or contact lenses. LASIK eye surgery is one of the most common laser procedures used to correct eye problems. This advanced eye surgery technology can correct most of refractive errors problems- including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Types of laser eye surgery:

Laser eye surgery is a refractive surgical procedure that helps in reshaping the eye’s cornea as well as lens so that the images the focused on retina. Thus, the surgery restores normal vision in patients with problems of refractive errors.

The surgery can be performed via multiple techniques-

PRK- Photo Refractive Keractectomy- This is the oldest method for correcting vision problems. It involves removing the outer layer of the cornea with the help of a surgical blade. The remaining tiny parts of tissues under the cornea are removed with the help of computer-assisted laser beam. It takes around one week for the healing process.

LASIK- This is a more complicated procedure that involves cutting a flap in the cornea, and then removing a calculated amount of tissues from the inner layers of cornea with the help of computer-guided laser beam. After that, the flap is again put back in place. The healing process is much faster than PRK.

LASEK- Another latest technology involved in eye surgery is LASEK. Here, the outer layer of the cornea is cut with a fine blade, and the single layer is loosened and lifted with the help of alcohol. The laser beam is then directed to the tissue under the epithelium. Once the laser beam is over, the cut epithelium is put back in place.

About LASIK:

LASIK is an acronym for “Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis”. Lasik eye surgery is a surgical technique focused on the correction of the eye’s cornea. The procedure involves reshaping of the cornea to get rid of spectacles. To have a normal, clear vision, the cornea of your eye should be able to refract or bend light rays in such a way that the images are focused on the retina.

However, in case of myopia, hyperopia and other refractive errors, the images are not formed on retina, which in turn affects the vision. It is an outpatient refractive procedure that may entirely eliminate reliance upon glasses or contacts.

Laser eye surgery technology has come leaps and bounds, and new methods and procedures are introduced that can improve your vision with minimal and no side effects. Consult your eye surgeon to choose the best method for your eye related concern.…