Are you looking out to buck up your web presence? Do you want to stay an edge ahead of your contemporaries? Well, in that case, web hosting can be a perfect solution. eHost is one such website that lets you host your site and spruce up your traffic like never before. They come up with several shared hosting plans that are not only low in cost but are also free from ads. Still wondering what these web hosting solutions are all about? Here is a quick scoop on the best eHost review that will help you understand their services better.
Comes with a series of freebies
Well, not only is eHost affordable but it also comes with a series of additional freebies that will totally keep your hooked. Every plan that you opt for will come with several professional templates that are equipped with the drag and drop customization. On top of that, the free eHost site builder will also help you set up your site just the way you wanted to.
So, with these plans, you will be able to launch your site for free with a personalized domain name that can be chosen from a series of awesome domains. The plans come with advertising credits from Adwords and Google that are worth $200. You can also avail paid advertising from other search engine bigwigs like Yahoo and Bing.
Storage space or bandwidth
Yes. Unlike most hosting providers, eHost particularly ensures that your bandwidth and storage space is not limited. This is viable only when your site falls within the normal range’, which is further sustained by the 99.5 percent of the client base. So, this site turns out to be perfect if you’re a first-time website owner. They come with superb simplicity coupled with an excellent advertising that lets you launch your online business like never before.
Simplicity and functionality
Well, this is the USP of eHost. They provide you simple, yet incredibly functional services round the corner. Not only do you get to avail the best from your online business, but with the 24/7 security and enhanced monitoring, your site is safe and encrypted.
On top of that, you get to avail unlimited bandwidth and a cloud storage space of 1 GB. So, if you are looking out to stand an edge ahead with your first online website, read this ehost review and opt for this hosting service for simplicity and functionality. They are simply one of the best companies providing hosting services.