Congratulations on getting the job, it must be quite hard especially when you’ve competed with a lot of people to get the position. So, you’re probably looking forward to your first day of work, since you’re going to meet a lot of people and just trying to adjust to your workplace. Alas, working is not always rainbows and sunshine as there’s a lot of things that you need to learn and sometimes your coworker might not be as lovely as you think. But worry not, because we’re going to aid you. In this article, we’ve made some tips in the office that will make your work much more comfortable for your first days, read more to know before you go to work.
If you don’t know how to use the fax machine, then do not worry because you’re not alone. In a pinch when everyone is too busy to help you learn how to use the fax machine, you can send your fax by using gmail, yes you’ve read it right. Here’s a guide on how to do Gmail fax, read it in case no one is there to help you. Make sure to ask your seniors if it’s okay to send a fax using gmail though, just in case to be safe.
Asking Questions
Most new employees are shy, and it can be understood since you’re diving into a new environment and you don’t know anyone. Working is a whole different situation than college or in class, so don’t be shy to ask when you have questions. Asking questions means that you’re cautious and you don’t want to make any mistake, which is a good point.
Learn the SOP
In any company, they will have an SOP on how to do their job, the same goes for your job as well! We can’t stress this enough, but please do read the SOP and learn it because it can be considered as a guide on how you do everything in the office.
If you see someone struggling in the office, make sure to help them because there’s no harm in doing that and being nice is always a good thing to do. At the same time when you’re helping your co-worker, you’re building the teamwork that you will need in the future. Be it helping them carrying the papers or a printer jam; it can go a long way.