man working on laptopSmartphones are being used widely right now instead of mobile phones since they give you the ability to surf the web and a lot more things you can’t do with just an average phone.

There are many features that are expected to be added to the next generation models of smartphones so we can expect the future on smartphones to be nothing but bright.

An Advanced Siri?

One thing we are looking forward to is a much improved Siri. There are times when Siri can’t clearly understand what the user is saying so she ends up giving the wrong answers resulting in hilarity among the user and his friends. This is one thing that will be improved but it is a difficult task. It is going to be more convenient for users though to just talk to their phones on what they wanted to have accomplished like texting someone or calling someone right away since everyone is too lazy to type.

If this feature is concentrated on then you will see users barely touching their phones as they will just have to give voice commands to it. Smartphones with that feature is expected to carry a heavy price tag but it is going to be worth it because of the comfort it brings.

Holograms for screens?

In a feature that we all thought can only be seen in movies, a lot of smartphone manufacturers are now working on getting holograms pop up on their screens. Since there are already a couple of smartphones in the market that has 3D, this could be the next step and one could only imagine what is next after that. We have definitely come a long way from the 2D screens that we are used to seeing.

Augmented Reality

When we point our phone cameras to something, we want it to give us a lot of information and this is possible with Augmented Reality. The only problem with this feature is the accuracy but with the latest in technology, it is possible to give the best information possible. What we usually do is go to a place then connect to the Internet to find out what we can do in that place as a tourist. With this feature, you will end up saving time by knowing what to do and where to eat right away. The page could even be complete with reviews so you will know what to order in the restaurants and what to avoid.