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The Tech Service Team  »  Websites

wegNowadays, owning a website is very important. Regardless of whether you are a business person, a student or a teacher, a website will enable you to communicate with other people.

Business people have always explained that using a website as a marketing tool boosts sales as it enables a person to reach as many customers as possible without incurring huge costs. This article highlights important steps on how to start your own website.

1. Getting the domain name

A domain name is the identification that will be given to the website. Getting a domain name is comparable to registering a business because there are some factors that should be fulfilled, for instance payment of the annual for the rights of the domain name to be retained.

2. Choosing a web host and signing up for the account

Ideally, webhosts are firms that have connections to the internet. Upon placing you web pages on their computers, you will be able to connect with other people across the world via the internet. This step requires you to sign up for an account with a web host thus enabling your website to have a home. Before selecting any host, it is recommended to have an idea in mind about the factors and characteristics of a good host. This ensures that you get unbeatable services that will enable you to maximize the potential.

3. Designing the web pages

Upon settling on a domain name and choosing a web host, the next step is to focus on designing the website. This is an important step for those who will be designing their web pages but for those who will consider using the services of experts, the step can be skipped. As a beginner, your goal should be to get something onto the web. There are plenty of free and commercial web editors that can be used in designing the web pages. Guides on how to use the editors are also provided by many services providers in the internet today so feel free to locate and use such services.

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4. Testing the website

The fourth step is to test the website. This step may not be separable from the third step because the web pages should be tested on major browsers as they are designed so that problems can be detected early.

5. Using the website

If the web pages work well on various browsers, you can begin using the website to sell products and services. The content of the web pages should be regularly updated as it aids in getting the website noticed.